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About Pickvogel
This is where you Pick Your Future™
Nikolaus Bereczky
Chief Talent Officer & CEO
Pickvogel began a decade ago with the (not so small) dream of revolutionizing recruitment.
Back in the day...
...fees were high, transparency was low, and the sector dominated by sales.
With the rise of smarter IT, along came the idea to found a platform that connects talented workforce and companies via digital matching. Why not solve common industry frustrations by creating an algorithm that facilitates the process for everyone? You’ve probably come across the concept of matching with dating platforms. We’re not going to lie: that was part of our inspiration. We, too, operate in the name of love... but, in our case, it’s exclusively about jobs
Recruitment frustrations are a time of the past
“I’m tired of the tons of recruiter mails.” ”High costs for recruitment are frustrating!” “Job searches are turning into a search for the needle in a haystack.”
These are pain points that our market research revealed. And we made it our mission to address these frustrations as accurately as possible. That’s how we were able to communicate our promise:
Our promise
You match a job 87%? With us, that’s not sugar-coated. It’s because you’re an expert and fulfill a large amount of requirements.There’s a 87% chance it could be a dream fit. That’s pretty high, if you ask us.
Back in the day, our founders worked at an agency where they were often asked if pricing for their services had some wiggle room. It didn’t. That’s why they founded Pickvogel: With cost-effective and affordable conditions eliminating pricing negotiations and making recruitment help more attainable.
Customer Service
A matching algorithm is great and all. We still aim to service everyone with a high level of good old Customer Service. Every question or request, is a question or request we take seriously.
We love the creative, the edgy, the original, the quirky, the groundbreaking. And we’ve never stopped coming up with ways to challenge the status quo.
Be kind, be friendly, be fun to be around, and try to take as much as you can lightheartedly. That’s how we approach our work, and we really hope it rubs off.
We see a world where companies and top talent are brought together with the highest level of transparency and success.
How we operate
Pickvogel uses a custom designed algorithm to create vibrant matches between talent and companies. This technology is proprietary and focuses not only on skills and language proficiency, but also several other relevant factors, making salary, location of work, workload and personal wishes, and many other factors.
Making applying fun again
The design of Pickvogel's database and matching criteria makes it possible for job and talent searches to turn into viable connections: As a job seeker, you can navigate the job market with a confidence that matches your talent.As a company, you can rely on Pickvogel to provide the talent you've dreamt about.
We want you to empower you to ditch the conventional methods of placement and benefit from our digital innovation and smart matching technology.
Your future is our best interest
We’ve never stopped dreaming. Pickvogel is a product of big dreams and rolling up our sleeves, and we really hope you love it. It’s also a constant work in progress, because we’re aiming to integrate feedback from our clients and customers and make their experience even better.
... and the bird?
Pickvogel [ˈpɪkˌfoːɡl̩] translates to a pecking bird (from Swiss-German). Pick (peck or pick) and Vogel (German for bird). Imagine a bird that industriously picks something. We felt that a Pickvogel is the perfect representative for our platform, considering that we get just as picky when it comes to your future, as our mascot does.